Bible, Revised Standard Version

The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is copyright © National Council of Churches of Christ in America and distributed to registered users (see User Agreement) with their kind permission. The HTI is grateful to NCC and the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT) for their permission to provide this WWW-accessible version.

Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach

Sir.50 Verses 22 to 24

    [22] And now bless the God of all,
    who in every way does great things;
    who exalts our days from birth,
    and deals with us according to his mercy.
    [23] May he give us gladness of heart,
    and grant that peace may be in our days in Israel,
    as in the days of old.

    [24] May he entrust to us his mercy!
    And let him deliver us in our days!