Call for Participants

We are always looking for volunteer translators to contribute articles to this site. Most translators are college or university professors with specialities in the history, literature, or culture of eighteenth-century France. Graduate students in these fields have also contributed translations of articles related to their research interests. We've also been pleased to welcome non-academic volunteers with a good command of French and particular expertise in areas as diverse as banking and blacksmithing. By joining this group of volunteers, you will have an opportunity to see your work published on the World Wide Web and the satisfaction of knowing that you have contributed to making the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert available to English-speakers inside and outside the classroom.

You don't have to be an expert translator to contribute to this project, but because it is a collaboration among volunteers, we do not have the resources to edit the translations we receive. We therefore count on contributors to have sufficient command of French, English, and the topic to produce an accurate translation in readable, correct English. Full instructions for translators are provided.

Articles are posted to the site regularly, with attribution but without compensation.

If you would like to contribute, or would like more information, we'd like to hear from you at We'll send you a form by return email in which you specify a particular article or articles you'd like to translate from the approximately 80,000 in the Encyclopédie. A list of articles already assigned for translation is available.

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