From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Tître Title
Tabac Tobacco
Table ronde Round table
Tableau Tableau
Tablette en cire Wax tablet
Taborites Taborites
Tabouret Blindweed, Caseweed, Toywort, Shepherd's purse
Taille Tenor
Tailler la frisquette Cutting the frisket
Tailler un habit Cut a suit, to
Tailleur Tailor
Tailleur d'habits Tailor of suits
Talisman Talisman
Talle Tiller
Talon Heel
Talons Studs
Talud Turf bank, slope
Tambour Drum
Tambour Drum
Tamise Thames
Tan Tan
Tandelet Cover
Tanière Den
Tapis Tapis vert, greenward
Tapisserie des Gobelins Gobelin tapestry
Taquer Dress, to
Taquets, Piquets Pegs, pickets
Taquoir Dressing block
Taquons Slips
Targe Targe
Tari, Altéré Dried up (plant)
Taupiere Mole trap
Taupiniere Molehill
Taxe Tax
Teille Bark
Témoin Dumpling, old man
Témoin Witness
Tempérament Temperament
Temple de Bélus Temple of Belus
Temple, Tempe Temple
Temples de la liberté Temples of liberty
Temples du Soleil Temples of the Sun
Temploie Tenter
Tems Time
Tems Time
Tendre, Tendrement, Tendresse Tender, Tenderly, Tenderness
Tenir a l'arbre Attached to the tree, to be (fruit)
Tenon Disk, tendril tip
Teratoscopie Teratoscopy
Terrasse Terrace
Terrassier Terrace maker
Terre Earth
Terre Soil; ground
Terre verte Green earth
Terre, révolutions de la Earth, revolutions of the
Terrer Earth up, to
Terroter Compost, to (soil)
Tertre Knoll
Testament Testament
Tête Top, head
Tëte de negre Moor's head
Tetracera Tetracera
Thamise, la Thames
Théatre des anciens Theater of the ancients
Théocratie Theocracy
Théologie Theology
Théologie mystique Mystical theology
Théologie positive Positive theology
Théorbe ou Tuorbe Theorbo
Thermometre Thermometer
Thomistes Thomists
Tien, ou Tyen Tian or Tiān
Tierce Final proof or first pull
Tierce Tierce
Tierce double Double Tierce
Tigeron Oiler
Tigre Tiger
Tillet Lime grove
Tirer les armes Blocking coats of arms
Tiret Tacket
Toilette Toilette
Toilette, marchande à la Wardrobe merchant
Tolérance Tolerance
Tomate Tomato
Tombé Tombé
Ton Tone
Tondre, Tondu Clip, to; clipped (hedge)
Tonnelle Tunnel arbor, bower
Torches Plaits, twists (onions)
Tortiller les ficelles Twisting the cords
Tortue Tortoise
Touffe, Touffu Tuft; densely wooded
Toulousain, le Toulousean
Toulouse Toulouse
Toupillon Irregular group of branches (on tree)
Tour de Londres Tower of London
Tourner, Tourné Color, to, ripen; ripe
Tout-Bois Wood
Tout-ou-rien All-or-nothing
Tracer, Traceur Trace out, tracer
Traçoir Tracing-awl
Traducteur Translator
Traduction Translation
Tragédie Tragedy
Train de presse d'imprimerie Frame of the printing press
Trait de buis Line (of box)
Traite Trade
Traite des nègres Slave trade
Traiter Contract
Traiter Trade
Traiter Treat
Traiteur Caterer
Tranche Edge
Tranche Edge
Tranche-fil Endband
Tranchée Trench
Transilvanie Transylvania
Translation (Belles-lettres) Translation (Belles-Lettres)
Transport, Transporter Transport; to transport
Trappé Sturdy
Travail à mouiller Wet work
Traverse Cross (walk)
Travesti Travesty
Tréatre de jardin Garden theater
Treffle Trefoil
Treillage Trellis-work
Treille Vine arbor
Tremblaie Aspen plantation
Tremblemens de terre Earthquakes
Trempé, Trempure Soaked
Tremper Soaking
Tremper à la colle Dipping in glue
Trianon Trianon
Tribade Lesbian
Tribar ou Tribard Yoke, poke
Tribunal Tribunal
Tribunal de l'Inquisition Inquisition tribunal
Tribunaux de Juifs Tribunals of the Jews
Tribunaux de Rome Tribunals of Rome
Tricoter Knitting
Tricoter Knitting
Trier ou délisser le chiffon Sorting the rags
Trifolium Trifolium, clover
Trinité théologique Theological Trinity
Trio Trio
Trochet Cluster
Trompette Trompette
Trompette de récit Trompette de Récit
Trompette, Double trompette Trompette, Double Trompette
Trou (Planting) hole
Truffe Truffle
Tubercule Tuber
Tubéreuse Polianthes tuberosa, tuberose
Tulipe Tulip, tulipa
Tuteur Crutch, prop
Tuyau Hollow stem
Tympan Tympan
Type Type
Type Type
Type Type
Tyran Tyrant
Tyrannicide Tyrannicide
Tyrannie Tyranny