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Tître Title
Rabaisser Lower, to; reduce
Rabat Band
Rabats Falls
Rabattement de decret Lifting a decree
Rabot Gardener's plane
Rabot Plane
Raccourcir Shorten (branch)
Racine d’un nombre Root of a number
Racler Scrape
Racloir Scraper (for edges)
Radis Radish
Rafle de dés Clean sweep of the dice
Rafraichir Refresh (tree roots)
Ragréer Smooth, to (sawn branch)
Raguse Ragusa
Raie Line, stroke
Raison Reason
Rajeunir Prune, to, revive (tree)
Ram ou Brama Rama or Brahma
Ramage Boughs
Rame, Ramille Stick, twig
Rameau Twig
Ramer Stake, to (peas)
Ramier Pile of wood
Rampes de gason Turf ramps
Rapporteur, ou outil à placer les roues de rencontre Height gauge
Rapprocher Bring together (branches)
Rat musqué d'Amérique American muskrat
Ratatiné Shrivelled (fruit)
Rateau Rake
Ratisser les gouttieres d'un livre à dorer sur tranche Scraping the fore-edge of a book for edge gilding
Ratisser les veaux Scraping the calfskins
Ratisser, Ratissage Rake, to; raking
Ratissoire Light rake; hoe
Raton Raccoon
Raturer Scrape
Raveler Reduce, lower
Ravenne Ravenna
Rayon Drill
Rayonner Drill, to, furrow (bed)
Réalgar Realgar
Rebarder Rake up soil to retain water
Rebi Matsuri
Rebiner Give the second digging
Reborder Trim, to (border)
Rébotter Cut back (grafted tree)
Réceper Cut back to the stump (tree)
Réchaud Layer of fresh manure (hotbed)
Rechauffement Layer of fresh manure (hotbed)
Rechauffer, Rechauffement Reheat, reheating
Rechausser Bank up the foot of (tree)
Rechigner Plants which do not shoot vigorously
Récit Solo
Récit poétique Poetic narrative
Récitant Soloist
Récitatif Recitative
Recoquiller Curl up, shrivel
Recouvrir Cover over again
Recul Recoil
Refendre Separate, to; open out
Réformation Reformation
Réforme Reform
Réformé Reformed
Réformé, officier Reformed officer
Réfugiés Refugees
Régaler Level, to (land), to spread evenly (soil)
Régicide Regicide
Regilla Regilla
Régime Regimen
Registre Register
Registre Register
Registre des baptêmes Register of baptisms
Réglets Rules
Réglettes Reglets
Regreffer Regraft, to
Rejettons, Jettons, Talles Scions, tillers
Relieur Binder
Relieure, ou art de relier les livres Bookbinding, or art of binding books
Religion Religion
Religion Religion
Religion Religion
Religion chrétienne Christian religion
Religion des Grecs et des Romains Religion of the Greeks and Romans
Religion naturelle Natural religion
Rélique Relic
Remaniement Rearrangement
Remanier Rearrange
Remboursement Reimbursement
Remuement, Remuer Removal (of earth); to dig (soil)
Renard marin, Porc marin, Ramart Thresher shark
Rencaisser Re-box, to
Renversement Banking
Renverser une terre Turn, turn over
Repasser Rake, to
Répétition Repetition
Repos Deadbeat
Repos, Reposer Rest, to rest
Représentans [abridged] Representatives [abridged]
Représenter Represent, to
Reprise, Reprendre Take again
République Republic
République de Platon Plato's Republic
République fédérative Federal republic
Ressort de cadran Spring, case
Ressort ou grand ressort Spring or mainspring
Ressuier Dry out (plant)
Restauration Restoration
Restauration Restoration
Retenir Check, restrain
Retiration Perfecting
Retourner Turn, turn over
Retrancher Cut off, to (branch)
Rêve Dream
Rêve Dream
Reveil-matin Alarm clock
Révélation Revelation
Révélation Revelation
Révélation Revelation
Revendeuse à la toilette Wardrobe reseller
Revenus de l'Etat State revenues
Reverdir Grow green again, to (plant)
Revêtir Cover with
Révolte Revolt
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros
Rhythme Rhythm
Rideaux Curtains (of hornbeam)
Ridicule, le Ridiculousness
Rigole Trench
Rinceau Foliated scroll
Robe Skin (onion)
Rogner Trim, clip
Rogner les livres Cutting books
Rognure Trimming
Roi King
Roman Novel
Roman de chevalerie Novel of chivalry
Romarin Rosemary
Romestecq, jeu de Romestecq, game of
Rompre Break (branch)
Ronce Bramble, blackberry
Rose Rose
Rose d'Inde Rosa indica
Rosette Rosette
Rosier Rosebush
Rotolo, ou Rotoli Rotolo, or Rotoli
Roue Wheel
Rouge Red
Rouge d'Angleterre English red
Rouge d'Inde Indian red
Rouge de carmin ou Carmin Carmine red or carmine
Rouge de corroyeur Tanner's red
Rouleau Rounce
Rouleaux Rouleau(x)
Roux-Vent Nipping wind of April
Royaume Kingdom
Rue Rue
Ruée Rotting strawstack
Ruisseau Runnel
Rum Rum
Rumeur Rumor
Rural Rural
Rutland [abridged] Rutland [abridged