From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Tître Title
Gageure Gageure
Gagner Spread, propogate
Gaîeté Gaiety
Galant Gallant
Galanterie Gallantry
Galaxie Galaxy
Galée Galley
Galerie Covered walk
Gallicisme Gallicism
Galonner Braid, to
Garnir Covered with leaves, to be
Garniture de robe Gown embellishment
Garrot Raking-stick
Garum Garum
Gaspésie (la) Gaspé Peninsula
Gaulis Plantation (ornamental trees)
Gazelle Gazelle
Gazette Gazette
Géans Giants
Géans (ossemens de) Giants (bones of)
Géans (pavé des) Giants (pavement of)
Géant Giant
Gelinotte, Gelinotte des Bois Grouse, wood grouse
Génereux, Générosité Generous, Generosity
Genèse Genesis
Genève Geneva
Génie Genius
Genre Gender
Genre Genre
Genre de Style Stylistic genre
Gens de lettres Men of letters
Géographie physique Physical geography
Géomantie Geomancy
Géométrie Geometry
Germe, Germer Germ, to germinate
Gibel, le Mount Etna (Gibel)
Gibelin Ghibelline
Gibraltar, Détroit de Gibraltar, Strait of
Gigantesque Gigantic
Gigantomachie Gigantomachy
Gins-eng Ginseng
Giraffe Giraffe
Glairer Glaire
Gland, Glandee Acorn, acorn harvest
Glandule Small gland
Glaner Glean
Glu Gum
Gluten Gluten
Gnaphalium; patte de lion Gnaphalium, cudweeds
Goberge Pollock
Goetie Goetia
Golgotha Golgotha
Gomaristes Gomarists
Gourmand ou Larron Gourmand
Gourmandise Gluttony
Gousse Husk, clove
Goût Taste
Gouttiere Fore-edge
Gouvernante d'enfans Governess
Gouvernement [abridged] Government [abridged]
Grâce Grace
Grâce Grace
Graces, les Graces, the
Gradins de Gazon Turf steps
Graine Ornamental seeds
Grains [abridged] Grains [abridged]
Grammaire Grammar
Grammairien Grammarian
Grand Lord
Grattoir Scraper
Gravure de Caracteres d'Imprimerie Cutting of punches for print characters
Grecque Kerfing saw
Greffe Graft, grafting
Greffoir Grafting knife
Grenoble Grenoble
Grenouille Stud
Griffe (de renoncule) Claw
Griffon Griffin
Grille Grille
Groningue Groningen
Groningue, la Seigneurie de Groningen (Seigneury of)
Groseillier Currant bush
Groseillier-epineux Gooseberry bush
Grotesques Grotesques
Guide chaîne, ou garde-corde Chain stop
Guignes Wild cherries
Guilford Guildford
Guillochis ou Entrelacs Guillochis or entrelacs
Gymnastique médicinale Medicinal gymnastics