From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Tître Title
Habeas corpus Habeas corpus
Habile Skillful
Habiller Trim a tree (for planting)
Haie, La La Haye
Halime Sea purslane, honckenya peploides
Hallali Hallali
Halteren Haltern
Hameau Hamlet
Harpalyce Harpalyce
Hausse Packing
Haute-contre Counter tenor
Hauteur Loftiness
Hauteur des caracteres d'Imprimerie Height of a type face
Hedysarum ou Sainfoin-d'Espagne French honeysuckle, hedysarum coronarium
Herboriser Botanize
Hérétique Heretic
Hermaphrodite Hermaphrodite
Hermaphrodite Hermaphrodite
Héroine Heroine
Heroïque Heroic
Héros Hero
Herse Herse
Heures Hours
Heureux, Heureuse, Heureusement Happy, happily
Hiéroglyphe Hieroglyph
Histoire History
Histoire naturelle Natural history
Historiographe Historiographer
Historique Historical
Hiver Winter
Hiver, Iconographique Winter, Iconographic
Hobbisme, ou philosophie d'Hobbes Hobbesism, or philosophy of Hobbes
Homme Man
Homme Man
Homme Man
Honnêteté Rectitude
Honneur Honor
Hôpital Poorhouse
Horloge Clock
Horlogerie Horology
Horreur du vuide Abhorrence of a vacuum
Hortolage Section of a kitchen garden
Hospitalité Hospitality
Houppee Cyme, pappus
Hoyau Grubbing hoe, mattock
Huée Boo
Huguenot Huguenot
Huile Oil
Humaine espece Human species
Humaniste Humanist
Humanité Humanity
Humanités Humanities
Humble Humble
Humilité Humility
Humour Humor
Hurons, les Hurons, The
Hydrodynamique Hydrodynamics
Hydromantie Hydromancy
Hypothese Hypothesis