From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Tître Title
Cacao ou Cacoyer Cocoa or Cocoa tree
Cadavre Corpse
Cadodaches ou Cadodaquios Kadohadacho
Cadrature Motion work
Caffé Coffee
Caffés Cafés
Caisse Tub
Calcul des nombres Calculating numbers
Calcul différentiel Differential calculus
Calibre Caliber
Californie California
Callosite Callosity
Calus Callus
Calvinisme Calvinism
Calvinists Calvinists
Cambrer un livre Cambering a book
Caméléon Chameleon
Canada Canada
Canadiens, philosophie des Canadians, philosophy of the
Canal Canal
Canal (en cascade) Cascading canal
Canarie Canary
Canon Canon
Canon Canon
Canon Canon
Canons des Apôtres Canons of the Apostles
Cantharide Cantharides
Cap-Breton Cape Breton
Capitaine réformé Reformed captain
Caporal Corporal
Caprons Hautbois strawberries
Capuchon Cowl
Caractère Character
Caractère des nations Character of nations
Caractère des sociétés ou corps particuliers Character of societies and particular groups
Caracteres d'Imprimerie Printing type
Caraibes ou Cannibales Caribs or Cannibals
Carcajou, Carcajoux ou Carcaiou Wolverine
Cardes Chard, Swiss chard
Cardons Cynara cardunculus, cardoons
Carême Lent
Carene Careen
Carillon Chimes
Carnaval Carnival
Carne Flesh-colored
Carreau Square compartment
Carrefour Crossroads
Cartésianisme Cartesianism
Carton Card
Cartonnier Boardmaker
Cartouche Cartouche
Cartouche Cartridge
Cas de conscience Matter of conscience
Cascade Cascade
Case ou Casse d'imprimerie Printer's case
Casse-motte Clod-breaker
Castor Beaver
Castor and Pollux Castor and Pollux
Castrati Castrati
Casuiste Casuist
Catilinettes Ox-eye daisy, marguerite
Caucase Caucasus
Cause Cause
Causes finales Final causes
Caves Cellars
Cayeux Offset bulbs
Ceinture de virginité des modernes Modern chastity belt
Celeri Celery
Célibat Celibacy
Celtiberiens Celtiberians
Cenis, les Cenis
Censeurs de livres Censors of books
Centaures Centaurs
Centre d'oscillation Center of oscillation
Cercifi, Salsifi Tragopogon porrifolius, salisify
Cerisaye Cherry orchard
Certitude Certainty
Cesure Caesura
Ceuta Ceuta
Chaîne de montre Chain, watch
Chaînette de montre Chain, watch
Chair Flesh, pulp
Chaise Chair
Chambre royale et syndicale de la Librairie et Imprimerie Royal and Syndical Office of Publishing and Printing
Chameau Camel
Chamfrein Chamfer, chamfered edge
Chance, Bonheur Luck, Happiness
Chancellerie de Dauphiné Chancellery of the Dauphiné
Chancre Canker
Chaos Chaos
Chapelet Chapelet
Chaperon Count plate
Charger Laden, To be
Charidotès Charidotes
Charité Charity
Charlatan Charlatan
Charmille Hornbeam, hornbeam hedge
Charree Lye ashes
Chassis Chase
Chassis de verre Frame, cold frame
Chasteté Chastity
Chataigner, Le Chestnut tree
Chataigneraye Chestnut grove
Chatelain Lord of the manor
Chatouillement Tickling
Chatrer Cut back, castrate, clear
Chaudiere Vat
Chaufournier Lime kiln worker
Chaussée Cannon
Chausser Earth up, to
Chauve-souris, vespertilio Bat
Chedabouctou Milford River
Chef d'Oeuvre Masterpiece
Chef du nom et armes Chef du nom et armes
Chenaie Oak grove
Chetif, Frele Puny, fragile
Chevalet Beam
Chevalet du tympan Tympan bridge
Chevalier errant Knight errant
Chevelu Root hairs
Cheville Peg
Chevre Nanny goat
Chevrons de gason Turf chevrons
Chicots Stumps, snags
Chien de mer Dogfish
Chiffes Rags
Chiffonnier Rag seller
Chiffons Rags
Chimbo-Raco Chimborazo
Chocolat Chocolate
Chocolat Chocolate
Choeur Chorus
Chondrille Chondrilla
Chorages Skene
Choux Cabbages
Christianisme Christianity
Chromatique Chromatic
Chronologie Chronology
Chronologie sacrée Sacred chronology
Chronologique (machine.) Chronological (machine)
Chronometre Chronometer
Chûte Drop
Chute de Terrain Fall of land
Chymie Chemistry
Chypre, ou Cypre Cyprus
Ciboule, Ciboulette Spring onion
Cidre Cider
Ciseau de Jardinage Gardening shears
Ciseau de Relieur Bookbinder’s scissors
Citoyen Citizen
Citronnier Lemon tree
Cive, Civette Chives, allium schoenoprasum
Civilité, Politesse, Affabilité Civility, Politeness, Affability
Claionnage Wattling
Clan ou gland Clamp or acorn
Clavecin oculaire Ocular harpsichord
Clavier Keyboard
Clé Key
Clematite Clematis
Clémence Clemency
Clergé Clergy
Clergés Clergies
Climat Climate
Clitoris Clitoris
Cloche Bell-glass, straw cloche
Clocher Bell tower
Cloitre Cloister
Clos, Enclos Enclosure
Coeffer un livre Setting the headcaps
Coffiner Shrivel
Coin, Couteau de bois Wooden wedge
Coins Corners
Coins Quoins
Colère Anger
Collage Sizing
Collège [abridged] College [abridged]
Colombine Pigeon-dung
Colon Colonist
Colonades vertes Green colonnades
Colonie Colony
Coloris Color, coloring
Colutea Colutea orientalis
Combinaison Combination
Comédie Comedy
Comete Comet
Comique Comic
Comique Comic
Comique Comic
Commande Command
Commerce Commerce
Commune Common
Commune Common
Commune ou communes Commune or commons
Commune renommée Common knowledge
Communes Commons
Compagnie Company
Compagnie de commerce Trading company
Compas cambré à ature Cambered dividers
Compositeur Compositor
Composition Composition
Composteur Casting-stick
Composteur Composing stick
Comprendre Understand, to
Conception Conception
Concert Concert
Concert spirituel Concert spirituel
Concertant Concertant
Concerto Concerto
Concordant ou Basse-taille Concordant or Baritone
Concurrence Competition
Conduite Gearing
Confesseur Confessor
Confirmation Confirmation
Congo Congo
Connoisseur Connoisseur
Conquête Conquest
Conscience Consciousness
Consentement Consent
Conservation des forces vives Conservation of kinetic energy
Consive Consivia
Constantinople Constantinople
Constitutions ecclesiastiques Ecclesiastical constitutions
Construction Construction
Consubstantiation Consubstantiation
Contagion Contagion
Conte Tale
Conte, Fable, Roman Tale, Fable, Novel
Contestation Contestation
Contestation, Dispute, Débat, Altercation Dispute, argument, debate, altercation
Continuité, loi de Continuity, law of
Contr'épreuve Counter-proof
Contr'espalier Contre-espalier
Contrat de Mariage Marriage contract
Contre Against
Contre Contre
Contre du contre, parer au ou Parade du cercle Counter with a counter
Contre, parer au Counter
Contre-forts Buttresses
Contre-forts Buttresses
Contre-forts Counters
Contre-sommier Counter-summer
Contrition Contrition
Controverse Controversy
Conversation, entretien Conversation, discussion
Conversion Conversion
Copie Copy
Coprisa Coprisa
Coq Cock (clock)
Coq Cock (watch)
Coque Husk
Coquelicot, papaver Red poppy
Coquetterie Coquetry
Coquille Scallop
Cor Horn
Corail Coral
Corail Coral
Corail de jardin Garden coral
Corail, corallum Coral
Cordé Stringy
Corde du rouleau Girths
Cordeliere des Andes Cordillera of the Andes
Cordeliers Greyfriars
Cordes Cords
Cordon Turf band
Coris Coris
Cormier Sorbus
Cornichon Gherkin
Cornières Corner-pieces
Cornouiller Cornus
Corps Body
Corps Type body
Correct Correctness
Correcteur d'Imprimerie Proofreader
Corruption Corruption
Corruption des humeurs Corruption of the humors
Corruption du sang Corruption of the blood
Corruption publique Public corruption
Corset Corset
Cosmologie Cosmology
Cosmopolitain, or Cosmopolite Cosmopolitan
Cosse Shell
Cotbet Khutbah
Cotiere Sloping bed
Cotir Bruise, to
Coton Down
Coton [abridged] Cotton [abridged]
Cotonneux Woolly
Couchart Coucher
Couche Bed
Coucher Lay out, to
Coucou Cuckoo
Coucou Cuckoo
Coucou Cuckoo
Coucou Cuckoo
Coude Bend, elbow
Coudre Sewing
Coudrier Hazel tree, corylus
Couleur Color
Coulisse de Galée Galley-slice
Couper Cut, to
Couplets de Presse d'Imprimerie Hinges of the printing press
Coupoir Cutter
Cour Court
Courante Courante
Courge Gourd
Couronne Stag-head, corona
Courtisan Courtier
Courtisane Courtesan
Couteau à effleurer ou couteau de rivière Frizing knife or river knife
Couteau à parer Paring knife
Couteau à rogner Plow blade
Couteau pour couper l'or Gold knife
Couturière Seamstress
Couvent Convent
Couvrir Cover, to
Couvrir Covering
Crampons ou Pattes Cramp-irons or Paws
Cran Cran
Crane Skull
Crane Skull
Crane (blessures du) Skull, injuries of the
Crapaud Toad
Crapaudine Platen plate
Création Creation
Credibilité Credibility
Crédulité Credulity
Creusure Sink
Crime Crime
Crime, Faute, Péché, Delit, Forfait Crime, offense, sin, infraction, outrage
Critique, Censure Criticism, Censure
Crochet ou Eschopes Hook
Crocodile Crocodile
Croire Believe
Croiser Cross, to
Croissance Growth
Croix de Jerusalem ou de Malte Cross of Jerusalem, Maltese cross
Croix de Saint Andre Saint Andrew's cross
Croix ou pile Heads or Tails
Crossette Cutting
Crotin de mouton Sheep droppings
Croute Crust
Croyance Belief
Cueillette Fruit picking
Cuir (monnoie de) Leather, money of
Cuirs de balles Ball leathers
Cuisine Cuisine
Cul de poele Cul-de-poele
Culots Culots
Culotte Breeches
Culs-de-sac Culs-de-sac
Culte Worship
Cultiver Cultivate
Curiosité Curiosity
Curures Dregs
Cuticule Cuticle
Cuve Vat
Cuve du moulin à papier à cylindres Vat for the paper beater
Cuvette Cistern
Cyclamen, Pain de Pourceau Cyclamen, sowbread
Cyclopes Cyclops
Cylindres du Moulin à paper Cylinders of the paper mill
Cymbale Cymbale