From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Tître Title
Baal ou Bel Baal
Baal-Berith Baal-Berith
Baal-Gad, ou Bagad, ou Begad Baal-Gad or Bagad or Begad
Baal-Hasor Baal-Hasor
Baal-Hermon Baal Hermon
Baal-Peor Baal-Peor
Baal-Pharasim Baal-Pharasim
Baal-Thamar Baal-Tamar
Baala Baala
Baala Baala
Baalam Baalam
Baalites Baalites
Baalmeon Baalmeon
Baaltis Baaltis or Ba'alat Gebal
Babel Babel
Bac Small basin, pond
Bache Cistern
Baconisme ou Philosophie de Bacon Baconism or the philosophy of Bacon
Bacquet Finishing tub
Bacquet Tub
Bacqueter (l'eau) Sprinkle (water), To
Bahu Cambered
Balancé Balancé
Balance de commerce Trade balance
Balance, Libra Libra (The Scales)
Balancier Balance
Balaustier Wild pomegranate
Balle Ball
Balles d'imprimerie Ink balls
Balles teigneuses Sodden ink balls
Ballet Ballet
Ballets de chevaux Equestrian ballets
Ballets aux chansons Ballets of songs
Ballets de collége Academy ballets
Balotin Balotin lemon
Balustrade Balustrade
Banc à river Stake
Banc d'imprimerie Printer's bench
Banc de jardin Garden seat
Banc du Roi King's Bench
Bande Iron-rib
Bangue ou chanvre des Indes Bhang or Indian hemp
Banlieue Suburb
Banque Bank
Banque Bank
Banqueroute Bankruptcy
Banqueroutier Bankrupt
Banquette Banquette
Baobab, ou Hahobab Baobab
Baraicus Baraicus
Barbares Barbarians
Barbares (Lois) Barbarian laws
Barbarie Barbary
Barbouiller Smudge
Barckshire Berkshire
Baromètre Barometer
Barreau Bar
Barrette Arm (wheel)
Barrette Barrette
Barrieres Barriers
Barrillet Barrel
Bas Low
Bascules brisées de l'orgue Compound backfalls
Bascules du positif, ou Petit orgue Backfalls of the Positive or Small organ
Basilic Ocimum basilicum, sweet basil
Basse Bass
Basse-taille Baritone
Bassesse Lowness
Bassette Basset
Bassine Basin
Bassiner Sprinkle
Batard Wild plants
Batardiere Nursery bed, reserve border
Batrachomyomachie Batrachomyomachia
Batte Beater
Battée Beaten section
Battre du papier Beating paper
Battre les cartons Beating the boards
Battre les ficelles Beating the slips
Battre les livres pour les relier Beating books for binding
Battre les plats Beat the boards
Baucis et Philemon Baucis and Philemon
Baver Drip
Beau Beautiful
Beau, Joli Beautiful, Pretty
Bec de Corbin Bec de Corbin
Beche Spade
Beelzebub Beelzebub
Belus Belus
Belvedere Belvedere
Belvedere Toadflax
Benguela Benguela
Benin Benin
Bequiller Spud, to
Berceau d'eau Water bower
Berceau de presse Ribs of the printing press
Berceau, Tonnelle Bower, tunnel arbor
Bergamottes Bergamot oranges
Bersiamites Betsiamites
Bête, Animal, Brute Beast, Animal, Brute
Beurre Butter
Biais, Biaiser Slant, to slant
Bible Bible
Bible Bible (additional notes)
Bibles Arabes Bibles (Arabic)
Bibles Arméniennes Bibles (Armenian)
Bibles Chaldéens Bibles (Chaldean)
Bibles Cophtes Bibles (Coptic)
Bibles Ethiopiennes Bibles (Ethiopian)
Bibles Gothiques Bibles (Gothic)
Bibles Grecques Bibles (Greek)
Bibles Latines Bibles (Latin)
Bibles Muscovites Bibles (Muscovite)
Bibles Orientales Bibles (Oriental)
Bibles Persannes Bibles (Persian)
Bibles Syriaques Bibles (Syriac)
Bibliomanie Bibliomania
Bibliotaphe Bibliotaph
Biblistes Bibleists
Bien Good
Bierre Beer
Bigarradier Seville orange tree
Bigorne Anvil
Bilboquet Flyer
Billot Foot of rolling press
Binette Hoe
Biseau Bevel
Biseau Side-stick
Blanc Powdery mildew
Blanc d'oeuf Egg white
Blanc de l'oeil White of the eye
Blanchet Blanket
Blanchisserie des toiles Fabric bleaching
Blé Wheat
Bleu Blue
Bleu de montagne Azurite
Bleu, mettre au Bleu Blue, to make blue
Bloquer Place-holding
Bocage Copse
Boesjes Boesjes
Bois de moule servant à fondre les caracteres d'Imprimerie Woods of the hand-mould
Bois de têtes, Bois de fonds Head-sticks and Foot-sticks
Bois sacrés Sacred woods
Boîte Hose
Boîtes Boots
Bombarde Bombarde
Bon Good
Bon-Sens Common sense
Bonheur Happiness
Bonne-dame (atriplex) Orache
Bonneterie Hosiery
Border Edge, to
Bordure Edging
Borner Round, to
Bosquet Ornamental grove
Bostangi Bachi Bostanci Basi
Botanomancie Botanomancy
Botte de parchemin Bale of parchment
Botteler Bale, to
Bouche Mouth
Bouche ovale Mouth, oval
Bouchon Webbing
Boudin Blood sausage
Bouillon Bouillon
Boulanger Baker
Bouleau Birch, silver birch
Boulingrin Sunken parterre
Boulins Putlogs
Bouquet Fleuron
Bourbon, (Ile de) ou Mascareigne Bourbon Island, or Mascarene
Bourdon Out
Bourdon de 16 piés, ou huit piés bouché Bourdon, 16', or 8' stopped
Bourdon de huit piés ou quatre piés bouché Bourdon, 8' or 4' stopped
Bourgeon, bouton Bud
Bourlet Large callus growth
Boursettes Purses
Boursier Purser
Bouton Bud
Bouture Cutting, set
Branches Branches
Bras Lateral shoots, 'arms'
Bras seculier Secular arm
Brin Shoot
Brindille Brindille
Brique Brick
Brise-vents Windbreak
Broche du rouleau Spindle of the rounce
Brocher Brocading
Brocher Pamphlet binding
Brochettes Pins
Brocoli Sprouting broccoli
Broderie Broderie
Brossailles Brossailles
Brosse d'imprimerie Printer's brush
Brouillard Blotter
Brouille Blurred, muddy
Brouir, Brouissure Blight, to blight
Brownistes Brownists
Broyon Brayer
Bruyère Heather
Buche Log
Buis Box
Buisson Bush
Bupthalmum, Oiel de Boeuf Bupthalmum salicifolium, ox-eye
Burlesque Burlesque
But, Vue, Dessein Goal, Purpose, Design
Buter Earth up, to