From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Title Tître
Cabbages Choux
Caesalpinia bonduc Patte d'Araignee
Caesura Cesure
Cafés Caffés
Calculating numbers Calcul des nombres
Caliber Calibre
California Californie
Callosity Callosite
Callus Calus
Calvinism Calvinisme
Calvinists Calvinists
Cambered Bahu
Cambered dividers Compas cambré à ature
Cambering a book Cambrer un livre
Camel Chameau
Canada Canada
Canadians, philosophy of the Canadiens, philosophie des
Canal Canal
Canary Canarie
Canker Chancre
Cannibalism Anthropophagie
Cannibals Anthropophages
Cannon Chaussée
Canon Canon
Canon Canon
Canon Canon
Canons of the Apostles Canons des Apôtres
Cantharides Cantharide
Cape Breton Cap-Breton
Cape Breton Island Isle-royale
Card Carton
Careen Carene
Caribs or Cannibals Caraibes ou Cannibales
Carmine red or carmine Rouge de carmin ou Carmin
Carnation; pink OEillet
Carnival Carnaval
Cartesianism Cartésianisme
Cartouche Cartouche
Cartridge Cartouche
Cascade Cascade
Cascading canal Canal (en cascade)
Casting-stick Composteur
Castor and Pollux Castor and Pollux
Castrati Castrati
Casuist Casuiste
Catching Accrochement
Caterer Traiteur
Caucasus Caucase
Cause Cause
Cavalry, to maneuver with Escadronner
Cave Sourde, Couche
Celery Celeri
Celibacy Célibat
Cellars Caves
Celtiberians Celtiberiens
Cenis Cenis, les
Censors of books Censeurs de livres
Centaura jacea Ambrette, Fleur du Grand Seigneur
Centaurs Centaures
Center of oscillation Centre d'oscillation
Central and centrifugal forces Forces centrales et centrifuges
Cerebral sinus Sinus du cerveau
Certainty Certitude
Ceuta Ceuta
Chafe Ecorcher
Chain stop Guide chaîne, ou garde-corde
Chain stop post Pié de guide-chaîne
Chain, watch Chaîne de montre
Chain, watch Chaînette de montre
Chair Chaise
Chameleon Caméléon
Chamfer, chamfered edge Chamfrein
Chancellery of the Dauphiné Chancellerie de Dauphiné
Chaos Chaos
Chapelet Chapelet
Character Caractère
Character of nations Caractère des nations
Character of societies and particular groups Caractère des sociétés ou corps particuliers
Chard, Swiss chard Cardes
Charidotes Charidotès
Charity Charité
Charlatan Charlatan
Chase Chassis
Chastity Chasteté
Check, restrain Retenir
Checker pattern, quincunx Echiquier; Quinconce
Cheese Fromage
Cheese Fromage
Chef du nom et armes Chef du nom et armes
Chemistry Chymie
Cherry orchard Cerisaye
Chess Échecs
Chestnut grove Chataigneraye
Chestnut tree Chataigner, Le
Child Enfant
Childhood Enfance
Chimborazo Chimbo-Raco
Chimes Carillon
Chives, allium schoenoprasum Cive, Civette
Chocolate Chocolat
Chocolate Chocolat
Choked Etouffe
Chondrilla Chondrille
Chorus Choeur
Christian holidays [Abridged] Fêtes des Chrétiens [Abridged]
Christian name Nom de Baptême
Christian religion Religion chrétienne
Christianity Christianisme
Chromatic Chromatique
Chronological (machine) Chronologique (machine.)
Chronology Chronologie
Chronometer Chronometre
Church Eglise
Church Eglise
Church Father Père de l'église
Cider Cidre
Cistern Bache
Cistern Cuvette
Citizen Citoyen
Civil law Droit civil
Civil law Loi civile
Civil liberty Liberté civile
Civil society Société civile
Civility, Politeness, Affability Civilité, Politesse, Affabilité
Clairon, pedal Pédale de clairon
Clamp or acorn Clan ou gland
Clasps Fermoirs
Claw Griffe (de renoncule)
Clean sweep of the dice Rafle de dés
Clean, to; to correct Nettoyer, Rectifier
Clear (ground), to Essarter
Clear of caterpillars, tree pruner for removing caterpillar-infested branches Echeniller, echenilloir
Clear the ground of thistles Echardonner
Clear, to Degarnir
Clear, to Degrader
Clearcutting Abatis
Clematis Clematite
Clemency Clémence
Clergies Clergés
Clergy Clergé
Climate Climat
Clingstone Pavie
Clip, to; clipped (hedge) Tondre, Tondu
Clitoris Clitoris
Clock Horloge
Clod-breaker Casse-motte
Cloister Cloitre
Cluster Trochet
Coach Voiture
Coats of arms Armes
Cock (clock) Coq
Cock (watch) Coq
Cocoa or Cocoa tree Cacao ou Cacoyer
Coffee Caffé
Cold Froid
College [abridged] Collège [abridged]
Colonist Colon
Colony Colonie
Color Couleur
Color with verdigris Verdir
Color, coloring Coloris
Color, to, ripen; ripe Tourner, Tourné
Colutea orientalis Colutea
Combination Combinaison
Combined hoe and fork Serfouette
Come up, lift Lever
Comedy Comédie
Comet Comete
Comic Comique
Comic Comique
Comic Comique
Command Commande
Commerce Commerce
Common Commune
Common Commune
Common error Erreur commune
Common knowledge Commune renommée
Common mullein Molene, bouillon blanc, ou bon-homme
Common sense Bon-Sens
Common sense Sens commun
Commons Communes
Commune or commons Commune ou communes
Company Compagnie
Competition Concurrence
Complutensian Polyglot Bible Polyglotte de Ximenes
Compose in galleys Aller en galée
Composing stick Composteur
Composition Composition
Compositor Compositeur
Compost, to (soil) Terroter
Compound backfalls Bascules brisées de l'orgue
Compound states Etats composés
Conceal Masquer
Conception Conception
Concert Concert
Concert spirituel Concert spirituel
Concertant Concertant
Concerto Concerto
Concordant or Baritone Concordant ou Basse-taille
Conducting tissue Fistules ou Canaux
Confessor Confesseur
Confirmation Confirmation
Congo Congo
Connoisseur Connoisseur
Conquest Conquête
Consciousness Conscience
Consecrated bread Pain béni
Consent Consentement
Conservation of kinetic energy Conservation des forces vives
Consivia Consive
Constantinople Constantinople
Construction Construction
Consubstantiation Consubstantiation
Consular Fasti Fastes Consulaires
Contagion Contagion
Contempt Mépris
Contestation Contestation
Continuity, law of Continuité, loi de
Contract Traiter
Contre Contre
Contre-espalier Contr'espalier
Contrition Contrition
Controversy Controverse
Convent Couvent
Conversation, discussion Conversation, entretien
Conversion Conversion
Coprisa Coprisa
Copse Bocage
Copy Copie
Copy-holder Visorium
Copy-holder clip Mordant
Copyright Droit de copie
Coquetry Coquetterie
Coral Corail
Coral Corail
Coral Corail, corallum
Cordillera of the Andes Cordeliere des Andes
Cords Cordes
Coris Coris
Corner-pieces Cornières
Corners Coins
Cornus Cornouiller
Corporal Caporal
Corpse Cadavre
Correctness Correct
Corruption Corruption
Corruption of the blood Corruption du sang
Corruption of the humors Corruption des humeurs
Corset Corset
Cosmology Cosmologie
Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitain, or Cosmopolite
Cotton [abridged] Coton [abridged]
Couch a horse Abattre un cheval
Coucher Couchart
Count plate Chaperon
Counter Contre, parer au
Counter tenor Haute-contre
Counter with a counter Contre du contre, parer au ou Parade du cercle
Counter-proof Contr'épreuve
Counter-summer Contre-sommier
Counters Contre-forts
Counting error Erreur de compte
Courante Courante
Court Cour
Courtesan Courtisane
Courtier Courtisan
Cover Tandelet
Cover an allée with sand Sabler une allée
Cover over again Recouvrir
Cover with Revêtir
Cover, to Couvrir
Covered walk Galerie
Covered with leaves, to be Garnir
Covering Couvrir
Cowl Capuchon
Cow's egg Oeuf de vache
Crack (soil), to Fendre
Craft [abridged] Metier [abridged]
Cramp-irons or Paws Crampons ou Pattes
Cran Cran
Craving Envie
Creation Création
Credibility Credibilité
Credulity Crédulité
Crime Crime
Crime, offense, sin, infraction, outrage Crime, Faute, Péché, Delit, Forfait
Criticism, Censure Critique, Censure
Crocodile Crocodile
Cross (walk) Traverse
Cross of Jerusalem, Maltese cross Croix de Jerusalem ou de Malte
Cross, to Croiser
Crossroads Carrefour
Crown Ecu
Crumble, crush (soil) Effraiser
Crust Croute
Crutch Ecuyer
Crutch, prop Tuteur
Cuckoo Coucou
Cuckoo Coucou
Cuckoo Coucou
Cuckoo Coucou
Cuisine Cuisine
Cul-de-poele Cul de poele
Culots Culots
Culs-de-sac Culs-de-sac
Cultivate Cultiver
Curiosity Curiosité
Curl up, shrivel Recoquiller
Currant bush Groseillier
Curtains (of hornbeam) Rideaux
Cut a suit, to Tailler un habit
Cut back (grafted tree) Rébotter
Cut back to the stump (tree) Réceper
Cut back, castrate, clear Chatrer
Cut off, to (branch) Retrancher
Cut the tillers off (plant) Detaler
Cut up, divide Decouper
Cut, to Couper
Cut-work Piece Coupées
Cuticle Cuticule
Cutter Coupoir
Cutting Abatis
Cutting Crossette
Cutting (masonry) Abatage
Cutting books Rogner les livres
Cutting of punches for print characters Gravure de Caracteres d'Imprimerie
Cutting of punches for type Poinçons a lettre, Gravure des
Cutting room Dérompoir
Cutting the frisket Tailler la frisquette
Cutting, set Bouture
Cyclamen, sowbread Cyclamen, Pain de Pourceau
Cyclops Cyclopes
Cylinders of the paper mill Cylindres du Moulin à paper
Cymbale Cymbale
Cyme, pappus Houppee
Cynara cardunculus, cardoons Cardons
Cyprus Chypre, ou Cypre