From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Title Tître
Gageure Gageure
Gaiety Gaîeté
Galaxy Galaxie
Gallant Galant
Gallantry Galanterie
Galley Galée
Galley-slice Coulisse de Galée
Gallicism Gallicisme
Garden Jardin
Garden coral Corail de jardin
Garden nasturtium, Indian cress Nasturce ou Cresson d'Inde
Garden of Eden Jardin (d'Eden)
Garden seat Banc de jardin
Garden theater Tréatre de jardin
Garden Trowel Deplantoir
Gardener Jardinier
Gardener's basket Mannequin ou Manne
Gardener's oval Ovale de Jardinier
Gardener's plane Rabot
Gardener's saw Scie
Gardening Jardinage
Gardening shears Ciseau de Jardinage
Garlic Ail
Garum Garum
Gaspé Peninsula Gaspésie (la)
Gazelle Gazelle
Gazette Gazette
Gear Engrenage
Gearing Conduite
Gender Genre
Generous, Generosity Génereux, Générosité
Genesis Genèse
Geneva Genève
Genius Génie
Genre Genre
Geomancy Géomantie
Geometry Géométrie
Germ, to germinate Germe, Germer
Germanic dollar Daller germanique
Gherkin Cornichon
Ghibelline Gibelin
Ghost Spectre
Giant Géant
Giants Géans
Giants (bones of) Géans (ossemens de)
Giants (pavement of) Géans (pavé des)
Giblets Abatis
Gibraltar, Strait of Gibraltar, Détroit de
Gigantic Gigantesque
Gigantomachy Gigantomachie
Gilding Dorer
Gilding on parchment, leather, and other materials with which one makes tapestries and edges of books Dorure sur parchemin, cuir, et autres ouvrages dont l'on fait tapisseries et tranches de livres
Ginseng Gins-eng
Giraffe Giraffe
Girths Corde du rouleau
Give the second digging Rebiner
Glaire Glairer
Glass casing Verrieres
Glean Glaner
Gluten Gluten
Gluttony Gourmandise
Gnaphalium, cudweeds Gnaphalium; patte de lion
Goal, Purpose, Design But, Vue, Dessein
Gobelin tapestry Tapisserie des Gobelins
God Dieu
God is my right Dieu est mon droit
Gods Dieux
Goetia Goetie
Gold for gilding books Or à dorer les livres
Gold knife Couteau pour couper l'or
Golgotha Golgotha
Gomarists Gomaristes
Good Bien
Good Bon
Gooseberry bush Groseillier-epineux
Gospel Evangile
Gourd Courge
Gourmand Gourmand ou Larron
Gourmand Larron
Governess Gouvernante d'enfans
Government [abridged] Gouvernement [abridged]
Gown embellishment Garniture de robe
Grace Grâce
Grace Grâce
Graces, the Graces, les
Graft, grafting Greffe
Graft, to graft, incision (for grafting) Ente, Enter, Enture
Grafting knife Entoirs
Grafting knife Greffoir
Grains [abridged] Grains [abridged]
Grammar Grammaire
Grammarian Grammairien
Green colonnades Colonades vertes
Green earth Terre verte
Green portique Portique d'arbres
Grenoble Grenoble
Greyfriars Cordeliers
Griffin Griffon
Grille Grille
Groningen Groningue
Groningen (Seigneury of) Groningue, la Seigneurie de
Gros Nazard Nasard, gros
Grotesques Grotesques
Grouse, wood grouse Gelinotte, Gelinotte des Bois
Grow green again, to (plant) Reverdir
Grow in tiers Echelon
Growth Croissance
Growth Venue
Growth (wood) Jet du Bois
Growth; young shoots Pousse, Pousses
Grubbing hoe, mattock Hoyau
Guard Onglet
Guildford Guilford
Guillochis or entrelacs Guillochis ou Entrelacs
Gum Glu
Gypsies Egyptiens