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Title Tître
Oak grove Chenaie
Obolus Danaqué
Observation [abridged] Observation [abridged]
Observations on Bacon's division of the sciences Observations sur la Division des Sciences du Chancelier Bacon
Obstetrician Accoucheur
Obstetrician, female Accoucheuse
Occult Occulte
Ochlocracy or mob rule Ochlocratie
Ocimum basilicum, sweet basil Basilic
Ocular harpsichord Clavecin oculaire
Offense, to offense, offender, offense Offense, Offenser, Offenseur, Offense
Office, congregation of the holy Office, congrégation du saint
Offset bulbs Cayeux
Offshoot (cabbage) Semotte
Ohio, the Ohio, L'
Oil Huile
Oiler Tigeron
Olive tree Olivier
Omaha Maha
Onion Oignon
Open Ouvert
Open ground Aire
Opera Opéra
Opera Opéra
Opera des bamboches Opéra des Bamboches
Opera, comic Opéra comique
Opera, Italian Opéra, Italien
Ophiomancy Ophiomancie
Oppression Oppression
Oppression Oppression
Oppressor Oppresseur
Optimism Optimisme
Orache Bonne-dame (atriplex)
Orange Orange
Orange tree Oranger
Orangutan Ourang-outang
Orarium Oraire
Orchard Verger
Order of Saint Louis Saint Louis, ordre de
Organ Organe
Organ Orgue
Orient Orient
Orient Orient
Orient Orient
Oriental dollar Daller oriental
Oriental style Style oriental
Orion Orion
Orion Orion
Ornament Fleuron
Ornamental fountains Fontaines artificielles
Ornamental grove Bosquet
Ornamental seeds Graine
Orphan Orphelin
Osier Osier
Osier bed Oseraie
Ostrich Autruche (en latin struthio ou struthio-camelus)
Out Bourdon
Overcharge, to Survente
Ox-eye daisy, marguerite Catilinettes