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Title Tître
Sabbath Sabbat
Sacrament Sacrement
Sacraments Sacremens
Sacred chickens Poulets Sacrés
Sacred chronology Chronologie sacrée
Sacred spring, vow of the Printems sacré, voeu du
Sacred woods Bois sacrés
Saddlebag Sacoche
Sage Sage, le
Sahara Sahara
Saint Andrew's cross Croix de Saint Andre
Saint Bartholomew's Day Journée de la Saint-Barthelemy
Saint Malo Malo, Saint
Saints, cult of the Saints, culte des
Salon de treillage Sallon de treillage
Salt tax Sel, impôt sur le
Samanean Samanéen
Sand Sable
Sanhedrin Sanhédrin
Sapwood, alburnum Aubier
Saraband Sarabande
Satiny Satiné
Satire, Menippean Satire Ménippé
Satisfaction Satisfaction
Sauce Sauce ou Sausse
Sauks Sakis, les
Savages Sauvages
Savages Sauvages
Savant Savant, docte, habile
Savings Epargne
Scale Diapason
Scallop Coquille
Scandal Scandale
Scandalous Scandaleux
Scarecrow Epouvantail
School Ecole
School Ecole
School, philosophy of the Ecole, Philosophie de l'
Science Science
Scion, shoot Scion
Scions, tillers Rejettons, Jettons, Talles
Score Partition
Scorpion senna Emerus
Scotland Ecosse
Scrape Racler
Scrape Raturer
Scraper Grattoir
Scraper (for edges) Racloir
Scraping the calfskins Ratisser les veaux
Scraping the fore-edge of a book for edge gilding Ratisser les gouttieres d'un livre à dorer sur tranche
Scroll Enroulement
Scrotum Scrotum
Sculpture Sculpture
Sea purslane, honckenya peploides Halime
Sea samphire Passe-Pierre
Seal Island Isles aux Loups marins
Seamstress Couturière
Seasoning Assaisonement
Seasons Saisons
Second marriage Secondes nôces
Section of a kitchen garden Hortolage
Secular arm Bras seculier
Secularization Sécularisation
Sedum, stonecrop Sedum
Seed; to sow Semence, Semer
Select (tulips), to Eliter
Senegal, gum of Sénégal, gomme du
Senegal, island Sénégal, île
Senegal, Kingdom of Sénégal, le royaume du
Senegal, River of Sénégal, rivière de
Sensations Sensations
Senses Sens
Sensibility Sensibilité
Sensuality Sensualité
Separate, to; open out Refendre
Separation Séparation
Septuagint Septante, version des
Serenade Sérenade
Serinette Serinette
Set Plantas ou Plancon
Setting the headcaps Coeffer un livre
Seven Sept
Sever Sevrer
Seville Séville
Seville Séville
Seville orange tree Bigarradier
Sewing Coudre
Shade; to shade Ombrage, Ombrager
Shamans Schamans
She Elle
Shed (flower), to Defleurir
Sheep droppings Crotin de mouton
Sheep's foot Pié de chevre
Sheet-gluing papermaker Papetier colleur des feuilles
Shell Cosse
Shell, to Ecaller
Shell, to; to hull Ecosser
Shiny, glossy Lustré
Shoot Brin
Shoot (pistil), to Dardiller, Dardille
Shoot too vigorously (tree) Echapper
Shoot; to shoot up Jet, Jetter
Shorten (branch) Raccourcir
Shrivel Coffiner
Shrivelled (fruit) Ratatiné
Side shoot Aisselle
Side-stick Biseau
Sidebearing Approche
Sighted brothers Voyans freres
Signature Signature
Silverweed Argentine
Similar parts Parties Similaires
Sincerity Sincérité
Sincerity, frankness, naïveté, ingenuousness Sincérité, franchise, naïveté, ingénuité
Sines Sines
Single and double ladder Echelle (simple et double)
Single-coloured Pur
Sink Creusure
Sinking (hosiery) Abatage
Site Situation du terrein
Sizing Collage
Skene Chorages
Skepticism and Skeptics Scepticisme et Sceptiques
Skillful Habile
Skin Peau
Skin (onion) Robe
Skin, pores of the Peau, pores de la
Skull Crane
Skull Crane
Skull, injuries of the Crane (blessures du)
Slant, to slant Biais, Biaiser
Slaughter Abatis
Slaughterhouse Abatis
Slave trade Traite des nègres
Slavery Esclavage
Slavery Esclavage
Slavs Slaves, les
Sleep Sommeil
Slender Elancé
Slice Palette
Slips Taquons
Sloe Prunelle
Sloping bed Cotiere
Small Petit
Small basin, pond Bac
Small gland Glandule
Small war Petite-guerre
Smallpox Verole, petite
Smallpox Verole, petite
Smoke black Noir de fumée
Smooth Lisse
Smooth out; adjust (canration) Peigner, Ajuster
Smooth, to (sawn branch) Ragréer
Smudge Barbouiller
Soaked Trempé, Trempure
Soaking Tremper
Sociable, Urbane Sociable, Aimable
Social Social
Socinians Sociniens
Socrates' daemon Démon de Socrate
Socratic philosophy [abridged] Socratique [abridged]
Sodden ink balls Balles teigneuses
Sodomy Sodomie
Sofala Sofala ou Zofala
Soil; ground Terre
Soldier Soldat
Solo Récit
Solo Solo
Soloist Récitant
Sompi Sompi
Soprano Dessus
Soprano Dessus, et en italien soprano
Sorbus Cormier
Sorcery Sorcellerie
Sorting the rags Trier ou délisser le chiffon
Soul of plants Ame des Plantes
Sovereigns Souverains
Sovereignty Souveraineté
Sow, to Emblaver
Space, to Espacer
Spade Beche
Spain Espagne
Sparta Sparte ou Lacédémone
Speckled alder Verne
Spectre shells Spectres
Speed Vitesse
Spell Sortilege
Spell Sortilege
Spindle of the rounce Broche du rouleau
Spinoza, philosophy of Spinosa, philosophie de
Spinozist Spinosiste
Spread, propogate Gagner
Spring Printaniere
Spring Printems
Spring of the hand-mould Archet
Spring onion Ciboule, Ciboulette
Spring or mainspring Ressort ou grand ressort
Spring, case Ressort de cadran
Spring, illnesses of Printems, maladies du
Spring, torsion or spiral Spiral, ressort
Sprinkle Bassiner
Sprinkle (water), To Bacqueter (l'eau)
Sprouting broccoli Brocoli
Spud, to Bequiller
Spur gear Molette
Squadron Escadron
Square compartment Carreau
Square, quarter Quarré
Squirrel Ecureuil
St. John River Jean, riviere de S.
Stacking Emmeulage
Stag-head, corona Couronne
Stake Banc à river
Stake, to (peas) Ramer
Stalk Queue
Stalk (grapes), to Egrapper
Standards Etendards
Standards, 'sails' Voiles
Star Etoile
Star Etoile
Star Etoile
Starch Amydon
State of nature Etat de nature
State revenues Revenus de l'Etat
Stave Douve
Stick, twig Rame, Ramille
Stop Arreter
Stops Jeux
Strait Détroit
Strange Etrange
Stratford Stratford ou Stretford
Strike Sonnerie
Stringy Cordé
Strip, shed Depouiller
Stripped of its branches (tree) Ebranche
Stud Grenouille
Studs Talons
Stump (of sawn-off branch) Moignon
Stumps, snags Chicots
Sturdy Trappé
Style Style
Style Style
Style Style
Style Style
Style Style
Style Style
Style Style
Style Style
Style Style
Style, harmony of Style, harmonie du
Stylistic genre Genre de Style
Sub-lieutenant Sous-lieutenant
Subside Affaisser
Subsidence Affaissement
Subsoil, to Defoncer
Suburb Banlieue
Suburb Faux-Bourg
Sucker Petreau
Sucker Peuple
Sucker, to Drageonner
Sucker, to OEilletonner
Suckers Drageons
Suckers (artichoke) Filles d'Artichaux
Sufficient Reason, Principle of Sufficient Reason Suffisante raison, principe de la raison suffisante
Sugar Sucre
Suicide Suicide
Suicide Suicide
Summer Sommier
Summer Sommier
Summer Été
Sunday Dimanche
Sunflower (Helianthus) Fleur au soleil
Sunken parterre Boulingrin
Superficial Superficiel
Superstition Superstition
Surfeit, to Saouler
Suspicion Soupçon
Sussex [abridged] Sussex [abridged]
Swaddle Emmaillotter
Swell, to (fruit) Prendre chair
Swing or cast off Abattre
Switzerland [abridged] Suisse [abridged]
Syene Zzuéné ou Zzeuene
Symptom Symptome
Syndic Syndic
Syndic Syndic
System Systeme