From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Title Tître
Maboya Maboya
Maby Maby
Macchia Macchia
Machiavellianism Machiavelisme
Machine Machine
Madagascar Madagascar
Madeira Madere, ou Madera
Madrid Madrid
Maelstrom or Moskoestrom Mahlstrom ou Moskoestrom
Magic Magie
Magic lantern Lanterne magique
Magical medicine Médecine magique
Magician Magicien
Magot Magot
Maim, to Estropier
Maize Maïs
Major Majeur
Make a tree fast Jeuner (faire) un arbre
Making ready Mettre en train
Malformed melon, cucumber or pumpkin Molette
Maltese cross, cross of Jerusalem Ecarlate, Croix de Chevalier, Croix de Jerusalem
Man Homme
Man Homme
Man Homme
Manichaeism Manichéisme
Manicheel Mancenillier
Manners Manière
Manorial justice Justice seigneuriale
Manticore Mantichores
Manumission Manumission
Manure soil, to Fumer
Maple sugar Sucre d'érable
Maple, acer Erable
Marbled paper Papier marbré
Marbling the leather Marbrer le cuir
Marginal notes Additions
Mark, Gospel according to Marc, Evangile de saint
Market garden Marais
Market gardener Marecher
Marriage Mariage
Marriage Mariage
Marriage by exchange Mariage par échange
Marriage contract Contrat de Mariage
Marriage for a fixed term Mariage à tems
Mars Mars
Martagon Martagon
Marvelous Merveilleux
Mascarene Mascareigne
Masterpiece Chef d'Oeuvre
Masterships Maitrises
Material Matériel, elle
Mathematical Mathématiques ou Mathématique
Mathematical physics Physico-Mathématiques
Mathematics Mathématique, ou Mathématiques
Matrices Matrices
Matsuri Rebi
Matter Matiere
Matter of conscience Cas de conscience
Matthew, Gospel of Matthieu, Évangile de saint ou selon saint
Matting Paillassons
Maturity, ripeness Maturite
Mauritius Maurice, l'île
Maximum Maximum
Maze, labyrinth Dedale, Labyrinthe
Medicinal gymnastics Gymnastique médicinale
Medicine, parts of Médecine, parties de la
Meditation Méditation
Melancholia Melancholie
Mellona Mellona
Melon ground Melonniere
Membrane Membrane
Men of letters Gens de lettres
Menace Menace
Mercurial salivation Salivation mercurielle
Mercury Mercure
Mesh Engrener
Mesh Menée
Mesopotamia Mésopotamie
Metallurgy [abridged] Métallurgie [abridged]
Metamorphosis Métamorphose
Metaphysics Métaphysique
Meteor Météore
Meteorological Metérologique
Meteorological Météorologiques
Meteorology Météorologie
Meteoromancy Météoromancie
Mexico City Mexico, ville de
Miasma Miasme
Michigan Michigan
Microscopic object Microscopique, objet
Micy (Mi'kmaq) Souriquois, les
Migraine Migraine
Milford River Chedabouctou
Military dances Danses militaires
Military discipline Discipline militaire
Minerva Minerve
Minervals Minervales
Minimum Minimum
Mint Menthe
Mint, frizzy Menthe, menthe crêpue des jardins
Mint, wild Menthe sauvage
Minuet Menuet
Mirabelle Mirabelle
Mirlicoton, peach Mirlicoton
Mizen bowlines Ourse d'artimon
Moatazalites or Mutazalites Moatazalites ou Mutazalites
Modern chastity belt Ceinture de virginité des modernes
Modern letters Lettres des modernes
Modern painting Peinture Moderne
Modesty Modestie
Modesty Pudeur
Mohammedanism Mahométisme
Molasses Mélasse
Mole trap Taupiere
Molehill Taupiniere
Monarchy Monarchie
Money Monnoie
Money of billon Monnoie de billon
Money of leather Monnoie de cuir
Money of the Greeks Monnoie des Grecs
Money, bracteate Monnoie bractéate
Money, obsidional Monnoie obsidionale
Money, real and imaginary Monnoie Réelle et Monnoie imaginaire
Monies of account, modern Monnoies de compte des modernes
Monies of the Hebrews, of Babylon, and of Alexandria Monnoies des Hébreux, de Babylone et d'Alexandrie
Monies of the Romans Monnoies des Romains
Monoemugi Monoémugi
Monsoni Monsaunis, les
Montre, 16' Montre de seize piés
Moor's head Tëte de negre
Moral life Vie morale
Moral philosophy Morale
Moral state Etat moral
Moral truth Vérité morale
Morals Moeurs
Morocco Maroc
Morocco, Empire of Maroc, Empire de
Morocco, Kingdom of Maroc, royaume de
Morocco, province of Maroc, province de
Motet Motet
Mother Mère
Mother plant Mere
Motion work Cadrature
Mould, to Mouler
Mount Etna (Gibel) Gibel, le
Mourning Deuil
Mourning Deuil
Mouth Bouche
Mouth, oval Bouche ovale
Movement Mouvement
Moving force Force mouvante
Mulatto Mulâtre
Mulberry Mure
Mulberry tree Murier
Mule; hybrid Mulet
Muses Muses
Museum Musée
Museum Musée
Music Musique
Musical Part Partie de Musique
Musician Musicien
Muslim Musulman
Mustard Sinani ou Moutarde
Mustard, mustard seed Senevé
Mutazalites Mutazalites
Mystery Mystere
Mystical meaning Mystique, sens
Mystical theology Théologie mystique
Mythology Mythologie