From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Title Tître
Wager Pari
Wall Mur
Wardrobe merchant Toilette, marchande à la
Wardrobe reseller Revendeuse à la toilette
Warsaw Varsovie
Washing formes Laver les formes
Washing of the rags Lavage des chiffons
Washing solution Lessive
Watch Montre
Water Eau
Water bower Berceau d'eau
Water, to Arroser
Watering Arrosement
Wattling Claionnage
Wax tablet Tablette en cire
Webbing Bouchon
Weeding hoe, spud Sarcloir
Well Puits
West Indies Antilles
Wet work Travail à mouiller
Wet-nurse Nourrice
Wetting, water pot Mouillure, Mouilloir
Wheat Blé
Wheel Roue
Wheel cutting engine Fendre, machine à
White of the eye Blanc de l'oeil
Wife Femme
Wild cherries Guignes
Wild plants Batard
Wild pomegranate Balaustier
Wild stock Sauvageon
Will Volonté
Will of God Volonté en Dieu
Willow plantation Saussaye
Wilt Fondre
Wilt, wilted Fanner, Fanné
Wind Vent
Windbreak Brise-vents
Windchest Sommier
Wine Vin
Winter Hiver
Winter cherry Amomum [abridged]
Winter, Iconographic Hiver, Iconographique
Wintergreen Verdure d'hiver
Wisdom Sagesse
Witchcraft Maléfice
Withe Pleion ou Paillasson
Witness Témoin
Wolf Loup
Wolverine Carcajou, Carcajoux ou Carcaiou
Woman Femme
Woman Femme
Woman Femme
Wood Tout-Bois
Wood-sorrel Alleluia
Wooden wedge Coin, Couteau de bois
Woods of the hand-mould Bois de moule servant à fondre les caracteres d'Imprimerie
Wool Laine
Woolly Cotonneux
World Monde
Worm-eaten Vermoulu
Worship Culte
Wrapper Portepage
Writer Ecrivain
Writer Ecrivain
Writer, Author Ecrivain, Auteur
Writing, Chinese Ecriture Chinoise
Wych elm Ypereau ou Ypreau