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Title Tître
Baal Baal ou Bel
Baal Hermon Baal-Hermon
Baal-Berith Baal-Berith
Baal-Gad or Bagad or Begad Baal-Gad, ou Bagad, ou Begad
Baal-Hasor Baal-Hasor
Baal-Peor Baal-Peor
Baal-Pharasim Baal-Pharasim
Baal-Tamar Baal-Thamar
Baala Baala
Baala Baala
Baalam Baalam
Baalites Baalites
Baalmeon Baalmeon
Baaltis or Ba'alat Gebal Baaltis
Babel Babel
Back file Dossier
Backfalls of the Positive or Small organ Bascules du positif, ou Petit orgue
Baconism or the philosophy of Bacon Baconisme ou Philosophie de Bacon
Baker Boulanger
Balance Balancier
Balancé Balancé
Bale of parchment Botte de parchemin
Bale, to Botteler
Ball Balle
Ball leathers Cuirs de balles
Ballet Ballet
Ballets of songs Ballets aux chansons
Balotin lemon Balotin
Balustrade Balustrade
Band Rabat
Bands Nerfs
Bank Banque
Bank Banque
Bank up the foot of (tree) Rechausser
Banked-up bed, border (facing the sun) Ados
Banking Renversement
Bankrupt Banqueroutier
Bankruptcy Banqueroute
Bankruptcy Faillite
Banquette Banquette
Baobab Baobab, ou Hahobab
Bar Barreau
Baraicus Baraicus
Barbarian laws Barbares (Lois)
Barbarian laws Lois barbares
Barbarian laws Lois des Barbares
Barbarians Barbares
Barbary Barbarie
Baritone Basse-taille
Bark Ecorce
Bark Teille
Barometer Baromètre
Barrel Barrillet
Barrette Barrette
Barriers Barrieres
Basal claw Unguis
Basin Bassine
Basque language Langue de Cantabres
Bass Basse
Basset Bassette
Bat Chauve-souris, vespertilio
Batrachomyomachia Batrachomyomachie
Baucis and Philemon Baucis et Philemon
Beam Chevalet
Bean, broad bean Feve
Bear up or away Arriver
Bearings of the rounce Pitons de presse d'Imprimerie
Beast, Animal, Brute Bête, Animal, Brute
Beat the boards Battre les plats
Beaten section Battée
Beater Batte
Beating books for binding Battre les livres pour les relier
Beating paper Battre du papier
Beating the boards Battre les cartons
Beating the slips Battre les ficelles
Beautiful Beau
Beautiful nature Nature belle, la
Beautiful, Pretty Beau, Joli
Beaver Castor
Bec de Corbin Bec de Corbin
Become detached Décoller (se)
Become etiolated Setioler
Bed Couche
Bee Abeille
Beechnut Faine
Beelzebub Beelzebub
Beer Bierre
Bees Abeilles
Belief Croyance
Believe Croire
Bell tower Clocher
Bell-glass, straw cloche Cloche
Bellows Soufflets de l'orgue
Belus Belus
Belvedere Belvedere
Bend, elbow Coude
Benguela Benguela
Benin Benin
Bergamot oranges Bergamottes
Berkshire Barckshire
Betsiamites Bersiamites
Bevel Biseau
Bhang or Indian hemp Bangue ou chanvre des Indes
Bible Bible
Bible (additional notes) Bible
Bibleists Biblistes
Bibles (Arabic) Bibles Arabes
Bibles (Armenian) Bibles Arméniennes
Bibles (Chaldean) Bibles Chaldéens
Bibles (Coptic) Bibles Cophtes
Bibles (Ethiopian) Bibles Ethiopiennes
Bibles (Gothic) Bibles Gothiques
Bibles (Greek) Bibles Grecques
Bibles (Latin) Bibles Latines
Bibles (Muscovite) Bibles Muscovites
Bibles (Oriental) Bibles Orientales
Bibles (Persian) Bibles Persannes
Bibles (Syriac) Bibles Syriaques
Bibliomania Bibliomanie
Bibliotaph Bibliotaphe
Binder Relieur
Birch, silver birch Bouleau
Birds, action of hatching them Oiseaux, action de couver des
Bishop Evêque
Bitter orange Limon
Blacksmith Forgeron
Blanket Blanchet
Bleed Pleurer
Blight, to blight Brouir, Brouissure
Blind Aveugle
Blindweed, Caseweed, Toywort, Shepherd's purse Tabouret
Blocking (vascular tissue) Engorgement
Blocking coats of arms Tirer les armes
Blood Sang
Blood sausage Boudin
Blotter Brouillard
Blotting paper Papier brouillard
Blue Bleu
Blue paper Papier bleu
Blue, to make blue Bleu, mettre au Bleu
Blurred, muddy Brouille
Boardmaker Cartonnier
Body Corps
Boesjes Boesjes
Bolted (lettuce) Montee
Bombarde Bombarde
Bombarde, pedal Pédale de Bombarde
Boo Huée
Book trade Librairie
Bookbinder’s scissors Ciseau de Relieur
Bookbinding, or art of binding books Relieure, ou art de relier les livres
Bookmark Signet
Bookseller Librairie
Boots Boîtes
Border Plate-Bande
Born Naitre
Bostanci Basi Bostangi Bachi
Botanize Herboriser
Botanomancy Botanomancie
Boughs Ramage
Bouillon Bouillon
Bourbon Island, or Mascarene Bourbon, (Ile de) ou Mascareigne
Bourdon, 16', or 8' stopped Bourdon de 16 piés, ou huit piés bouché
Bourdon, 8' or 4' stopped Bourdon de huit piés ou quatre piés bouché
Bower, tunnel arbor Berceau, Tonnelle
Box Buis
Box, to Encaisser
Braces of printing press Etançons de presse d'Imprimerie
Bracing a press Etançonner une presse d'imprimerie
Bract Plaque
Braid, to Galonner
Bramble, blackberry Ronce
Branches Branches
Brayer Broyon
Brazen, Audacious, Bold Effronté, Audacieux, Hardi
Break (branch) Rompre
Breeches Culotte
Brick Brique
Brindille Brindille
Bring on (plant) Dessaisonner
Bring together (branches) Rapprocher
Broaden Evaser, Evase
Brocading Brocher
Broderie Broderie
Brossailles Brossailles
Brownists Brownistes
Bruise, to Cotir
Bruise, to; bruised Meurtrir, Muertri
Bud Bourgeon, bouton
Bud Bouton
Budding knife Ecussonoir
Bundles (of hay) Villottes
Bupthalmum salicifolium, ox-eye Bupthalmum, Oiel de Boeuf
Burlesque Burlesque
Burning bush, dittany Fraxinelle
Burnisher Frottoir
Burnisher Lisse
Bury (manure) Enfouir
Bush Buisson
Bush honeysuckle, Diervilla lonicera Dierville
Butter Beurre
Butterfly Papillon
Buttresses Contre-forts
Buttresses Contre-forts