From this page you can browse articles translated and published online by English or French title, category of knowledge, or both. You can also browse all of the plates (whether or not the accompanying text has been translated) by English or French title. Also see auxiliary material such as the Map of the System of Human Knowledge.

Title Tître
Pachacamac Pachacamac
Pachacamac, valley of Pachacamac, Vallée de
Pachamacali Pachacamali
Pack (in straw), cover (plants) with straw litter Empailler
Packing Hausse
Paeonia Peone
Pagan sacrifices Sacrifices du paganisme
Painting Peinture
Painting of fabric Peinture des toiles
Paladin Paladin
Palermo Palerme
Palestine Palestine
Palisade; palissade; hedgerow Palissade
Pallet Palette
Palmette Palmette
Pamphlet binding Brocher
Pan Pan
Pantalon Pantalon
Paper-board Ais
Papermaking Papeterie
Papermill Moulin à papier
Papermill Papeterie
Paragon Parangon, Parangoine
Paralipsis Paralipse
Parcel Paquet
Parchment scrapings Parchemin, ratissure de
Paring Parer
Paring knife Couteau à parer
Parisienne Parisienne
Parody Parodie
Parricide Parricide
Parricide or Patricide Parricide ou Patricide
Parrot Perrouquet
Parterre Parterre
Party wall Mitoyen, mur
Pass Passager
Passenger Passager
Passenger Passager
Passions Passions
Past Passé
Pasting the slips Mettre les ficelles à la colle
Pastorale Pastorale
Pastorale poetry Pastorale, Poesie
Paternal authority Pouvoir paternel
Paternal love Amour paternel
Paths Sentiers
Patrician Patrice, Patriciat, Patricien
Patrie Patrie
Patriot Patriote
Paws Pattes
Peace [abridged] Paix [abridged]
Peach Péche
Peach tree Pécher
Peacock Paon
Pear tree Poirier
Pedal keyboard Pédale, clavier de
Pedant Pédant, Pedanterie
Peg Cheville
Pegs, pickets Taquets, Piquets
Penguin Pengouin, Pinguin, Oie de Magellan, Pinguin Batavorum
Pentateuch Pentateuque
Perch; pole Perche
Perfect happiness Parfait contentement
Perfecting Retiration
Perfume Parfum
Perfume Parfum
Perfume Parfum
Perfume Parfum
Perfume Parfum
Peripatetic philosophy, or Philosophy of Aristotle, or Aristotelianism Péripatecienne philosophie, ou Philosophie d'Aristote, ou Aristotélisme
Peritoneum Péritoine
Permutation Alternation
Perpetual lamp, or inextinguishable lamp Lampe perpétuelle, ou Lampe inextinguible
Persephone Proserpine
Peru Pérou, le
Petersburg Pétersbourg
Petrification Pétrification
Phantom Fantome
Philosopher Philosophe
Philosophical poem Poëme philosophique
Philosophy Philosophie
Phlebotomy Phlébotomie
Phlogiston Phlogistique
Phoenix Phoenix
Physical geography Géographie physique
Physiognomy Physionomie
Picket Piquet
Picket Piquet
Piece (of ground) Piece
Piece of land, base (of flower) Fond
Pieces Pieces
Piercing the boards Piquer les cartons
Pig-keeper Porcher
Pigeon-dung Colombine
Pile of wood Ramier
Pin [abridged] Epingle [abridged]
Pinch, to Pincer, Pincement
Pine tree Pin
Pineapple Ananas
Pinion Pignon
Pinion face polisher Faces, outil à faire des
Pinion faces Faces de pignon
Pinion wire Fil de pignon
Pins Brochettes
Pirate Pirate
Pirouette Pirouette
Pirouette Pirouette
Pirouette Pirouette
Pistil Dard
Pivot, to Pivoter
Pivots Pivots
Place-holding Bloquer
Plagiarism Plagiarisme ou Plagiat
Plagiarist Plagiaire
Plague Peste
Plague Peste
Plague of Justinian Peste d'Orient, du VI siecle
Plaits, twists (onions) Torches
Plan Plan
Plane Rabot
Plane tree Platane
Plant growth Accroissement
Plant in rows, to Affiler
Plant, to (tree) Planter un arbre
Plantation (ornamental trees) Gaulis
Planting Plantation
Plants Végétaux
Plants which do not shoot vigorously Rechigner
Plate Plaque
Plate Platine
Platen Platine
Platen plate Crapaudine
Platform Estrade
Platform Plein-Pié
Platoon Peloton
Plato's Republic République de Platon
Pleasing Plaire
Pleasure Plaisir
Pleasure Plaisir
Plow blade Couteau à rogner
Plum Prune
Plum orchard Prunelage
Plum tree Prunier
Plumb Plomb
Poet Poëte
Poetic art Poétique, art
Poetic harmony Poétique harmonie
Poetic narrative Récit poétique
Points Pointures
Pole fence Perchis
Polianthes tuberosa, tuberose Tubéreuse
Police Police
Polish Polir
Polishing iron Fer à polir
Politeness Politesse
Political arithmetic Arithmétique Politique
Political authority [abridged] Autorité politique [abridged]
Political economy Oeconomie politique
Political liberty Liberté politique
Polity Police
Pollard, to Etronconner
Pollard, to Etêter
Pollock Goberge
Polyandry Polyandrie
Polyglot Polyglotte
Polyhedron Polyhédre
Polyhedron Polyhédre, ou Polyscope
Polymathy Polymathie
Polytheism Polythéisme
Pomp Faste
Pomp Faste
Poncirus trifoliata (lemon tree) Poncire
Pondicherry Pondichéry ou Pontichery
Poor (soil) Maigre
Poorhouse Hôpital
Poplar Peuplier
Popular Populaire ou Endémique
Population Population
Populist Populaire
Pores Pores
Port Escale
Port Royal Port-royal
Portable Portatif
Portrait Portrait
Portugal Portugal
Position (of the feet) Position (des piés)
Positive theology Théologie positive
Post of honor in war Poste d'honneur à la guerre
Pot, to Empoter
Potato, Jerusalem artichoke, Sweet potato, White truffle, Red truffle Pomme de terre, Topinanbour, Batate, Truffe blanche, Truffe rouge
Potence Potence
Potence tip Nez de potence
Potidea Potidée
Pots Pots
Pounce parchment Poncer le parchemin
Pouncing saddle Selle à poncer
Powdered night-soil Poudrette
Powdery mildew Blanc
Powdery mildew Meunier ou Blanc
Power Pouvoir
Power of the imagination of pregnant women over the fetus Imagination des femmes enceintes sur le foetus, pouvoir de l'
Preacher Prédicateur
Preacher Prêdicateur
Preachers, friars Prêcheurs, freres
Prejudice Préjugé
Preliminary Discourse Discours Préliminaire
Prelude Préluder
Prepare Préparer
Presbyterians Presbytériens
Press Presse
Press Presse
Press boards Ais à presser
Press, the Presse
Prestant Prestant
Priests Prêtres
Primary (root) Séminale
Print (engraving) Estampe (Gravure)
Print shop Imprimerie
Print-job Labeur
Printer's bench Banc d'imprimerie
Printer's brush Brosse d'imprimerie
Printer's case Case ou Casse d'imprimerie
Printing Imprimerie
Printing from copper plates Imprimerie en taille douce
Printing house, print shop, print works Imprimerie
Printing in summary Sommaire, Imprimer en
Printing ink Encre noir
Printing press Presse d'imprimerie
Printing privilege Privilege d'impression
Printing type Caracteres d'Imprimerie
Printing, history of Imprimerie
Priory Prieuré
Private, Particular, Secret Privé, Particulier, Secret
Privilege, printing Privilege d'impression
Pro rata Prorata
Probability Probabilité
Professor Professeur
Prologue Prologue
Prometheus Promethée
Promised Land Promission
Proof Epreuve
Proof in copperplate printing Epreuve
Proofreader Correcteur d'Imprimerie
Property Propriété
Propogation Multiplication des plantes
Proportion Proportion
Proportion Proportion
Proportional arithmetic mean Moyenne proportionnelle arithmétique
Protection Protection
Protestant Protestant
Prune (tree), to Egayer
Prune, to (palissade) Serpiller
Prune, to, revive (tree) Rajeunir
Prune, to; Formative pruning (non-fruiters) Emonder
Prunus spinosa, blackthorn Prunellier
Psychology Psychologie
Public corruption Corruption publique
Public law Droit public
Pull down Abattre
Punch Emporte-piece
Punic Punique
Punish, chastise Punir, châtier
Puny, fragile Chetif, Frele
Puppet Marionnette
Purgatory Purgatoire
Puritans Puritains
Purser Boursier
Purses Boursettes
Pussy willow; goat willow Marsaut
Putlogs Boulins
Pyromancy Pyromancie
Pyrrhonic or skeptical philosophy Pyrrhonienne ou Sceptique Philosophie